Paid vs. Organic User Acquisition: Which One is Right for Your Mobile Game?
Explaining Paid vs. Organic User Acquisition. Optimize your mobile game UA strategy with key benefits, costs, and growth insights for 2024.
Jovan Ristic

User acquisition is essential for the success and growth of any game in the modern, highly competitive mobile gaming market. As of 2024, the mobile gaming market is projected to grow from $129.96 billion in 2023 to $149.53 billion, up to a staggering $278 billion in 2028, highlighting the industry's vast opportunities and fierce competition. Effective user acquisition strategies not only help build a strong player base but also play a significant role in a game's long-term sustainability and profitability.

User acquisition can be divided into two categories: paid and organic. By investing in advertisements and marketing campaigns, paid user acquisition can generate a significant increase in downloads and quick results. By contrast, organic user acquisition involves attracting users without direct financial investment by using methods like app store optimization (ASO), word-of-mouth, and social media. 

The purpose of this article is to provide mobile game developers with a comprehensive understanding of both paid and organic user acquisition strategies. By exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, we aim to help developers make informed decisions about which strategy, or combination of strategies, is best suited for their game's stage, budget, and specific goals. 

What Are Paid and Organic User Acquisition Strategies?

Understanding the differences between paid and organic user acquisition is essential for mobile game developers aiming to optimize their marketing efforts. Each approach offers distinct advantages and challenges that can significantly impact a game's growth and sustainability.

Paid User Acquisition for Mobile Games

Paid user acquisition involves attracting users through various paid advertising channels. This includes social media ads, self-attributing networks, SSP side networks, DSP (demand side networks), and in-app ads. Platforms like Google and Meta are commonly used for this purpose. By leveraging these platforms, developers can target specific demographics and interests, ensuring their game reaches a relevant audience quickly.

Paid user acquisition is particularly effective for achieving rapid growth. For example, the average cost per install (CPI) for mobile games can range significantly based on the platform and region, with iOS CPIs typically higher than those for Android​, especially after the policy changes on iOS when SKAN is introduced​. Utilizing targeted ads can lead to a substantial number of installs in a short period, which is crucial during a game's initial launch phase.

Organic User Acquisition for Mobile Games

Organic user acquisition focuses on attracting users without direct financial expenditure. This strategy relies on app store optimization (ASO), word of mouth, social media engagement, and content marketing. Methods like optimizing app store listings, engaging with users on social media, and building partnerships with influencers are key components. Some of the most common and effective organic user acquisition strategies include:

  • ASO
  • Influencer marketing
  • Cross promotion with other games
  • Building a Discord, Facebook or Reddit community, etc.

Organic acquisition tends to yield higher-quality users who are more engaged and likely to remain active over time. Strategies like ASO, which involves optimizing app titles, descriptions, and keywords, can significantly improve a game's visibility in app store searches, leading to more organic downloads​ 

What Are The Main Differences Between Paid and Organic User Acquisition?

When deciding between paid and organic user acquisition strategies, it's crucial to consider various factors that can influence the success of your mobile game. Each strategy has its strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice often depends on your specific goals, the stage of your game's development, and your available budget.

Additionally, purely organic success is difficult to achieve due to the vast competition, and in order to be noticed by both the app stores and the audience, your game needs to be unique and game-changing. By understanding these elements, developers can create a balanced approach that leverages the benefits of both paid and organic methods, ultimately leading to a more robust and effective user acquisition strategy.


Paid user acquisition requires a financial investment, with costs varying based on the advertising platform and targeting specifics. For instance, the average cost per install (CPI) for casual mobile game ads is around $2.17 in 2024, a steep increase compared to previous years (see table)​. Conversely, organic acquisition primarily involves time and effort rather than direct financial costs, making it a more budget-friendly option for sustained growth.

*Source: Statista

Speed of Acquisition

Paid strategies can deliver immediate results, making them ideal for boosting initial downloads and quickly scaling the user base. Moreover, paid acquisition can positively influence organic installations as higher download numbers improve a game's ranking in app stores for specific markets. However, it's important to note that this is not the only metric affecting ranking.

Organic strategies, while slower, build a more loyal and engaged user base over time. Effective ASO and positive user reviews can enhance organic growth steadily. By combining these approaches, developers can maximize visibility and create a sustainable growth trajectory for their mobile game.


Organic user acquisition is generally more sustainable in the long run. Users acquired organically tend to be more engaged and have higher retention rates, as they discover the game through trusted sources or personal interest. Paid acquisition can lead to rapid spikes in user numbers, but maintaining these users can be challenging if the game's intrinsic value does not meet their expectations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Paid User Acquisition

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of paid user acquisition is essential for developing an effective marketing strategy for your mobile game. This approach can significantly impact your game's growth trajectory, but it's important to consider both the positives and the potential downsides.

Benefits of Paid User Acquisition

Rapid user acquisition and immediate results: Paid user acquisition allows developers to quickly scale their user base, which is crucial during a game’s initial launch phase. Platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads can drive substantial traffic to a game almost immediately, resulting in a high number of installs in a short period. This rapid influx of users can boost a game's visibility and engagement metrics significantly.

Highly targetable and scalable: Paid user acquisition campaigns are highly targetable, allowing developers to reach specific demographics and user segments. Platforms such as TikTok and Meta offer advanced targeting options based on user behavior, interests, and demographics. TikTok’s CPI ranges from $1.75 to $4.00, depending on the campaign specifics, according to this report by the Business of Apps​. This precision helps in acquiring users who are more likely to be interested in and engaged with the game.

Measurable and adjustable campaigns: One of the significant advantages of paid acquisition is the ability to measure and adjust campaigns in real time. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as return on ad spend (ROAS) and lifetime value (LTV), developers can optimize their ad spend for better performance​.

Drawbacks of Paid User Acquisition

High costs and budget dependency: While paid user acquisition can deliver quick results, it comes with high costs. The average cost per click (CPC) for mobile game ads ranges typically around $2.57, with the USA being the most expensive at $4.22​​. This expense can be prohibitive, especially for indie developers or those with limited marketing budgets. Sustaining a paid campaign over a long period can drain resources quickly.

Potential for lower quality users who may not be as engaged: Users acquired through paid campaigns might not always be as engaged as those acquired organically. There is a risk that these users install the game due to a compelling ad but do not stay engaged long-term. While paid acquisition methods can generate high install rates, they may also lead to higher churn rates if the users do not find the game appealing post-installation​ The effectiveness of paid campaigns also depends on the quality of the product and its monetization strategy. A well-designed and engaging game can help retain users acquired through paid channels, improving their long-term engagement.

Sustainability concerns if budget is exhausted: Paid user acquisition strategies often lack long-term sustainability if they rely heavily on continuous ad spend. Once the budget is exhausted, the influx of new users can slow down or stop entirely. This dependency on a constant stream of funding can make it challenging to maintain growth and user acquisition momentum without consistent financial input. The ability to sustain paid acquisition also depends on the initial budget for UA campaigns and the game's monetization success. Developers with a robust monetization plan can reinvest earnings into further user acquisition, thereby scaling their game more effectively.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic User Acquisition

Organic user acquisition offers a contrasting approach to the rapid but often costly paid strategies. By focusing on natural growth methods, developers can build a dedicated user base without the high expenses associated with ads. However, this method comes with its own set of challenges. In this section, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of relying on organic strategies to attract and retain users for your mobile game.

Benefits of Organic User Acquisition

Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness: One of the most significant benefits of organic user acquisition is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike paid strategies, organic methods such as app store optimization (ASO), content marketing, and social media engagement do not require direct financial investment in ads. Instead, they focus on creating valuable content and optimizing the user experience to attract users naturally. This approach can be especially beneficial for long-term growth, as it reduces dependency on continuous ad spend.

Generally higher quality and more engaged users: Users acquired organically tend to be more engaged and loyal. They often discover the game through searches, recommendations, or content that genuinely interests them, leading to higher retention rates. A study found that organic users had a retention rate of 4.5% after eight weeks, compared to 3.5% for users acquired through paid channels, according to Statista​. This higher engagement level translates into better lifetime value (LTV) for the game.

Builds brand credibility and community: Organic acquisition strategies help in building brand credibility and a strong community around the game. Engaging with users through social media, responding to reviews, and creating content that resonates with the audience fosters a sense of community and trust. This not only helps in retaining users but also encourages word-of-mouth referrals, which can be incredibly powerful in driving new users​.

Drawbacks of Organic User Acquisition

Slower growth and acquisition rates: While organic user acquisition is cost-effective and yields high-quality users, it is generally slower than paid methods. Building a user base through organic means requires time and consistent effort. It can take months of ASO, content creation, and community engagement before seeing significant growth in user numbers​. For new games or those needing a quick boost in user acquisition, this slow growth can be a considerable drawback.

Requires significant effort in content creation and community management: Organic strategies demand a substantial investment in content creation and community management. Developers need to continuously produce high-quality content, engage with users on social media, and manage online communities to keep users interested and attract new ones. This effort requires time, creativity, and often a dedicated team to manage effectively.

Lack of control over volume and speed: With organic methods, developers have less control over the volume and speed of user acquisition compared to paid strategies. The success of organic campaigns depends on factors such as search algorithms, user-generated content, and social media trends, which can be unpredictable. This lack of control makes it challenging to achieve specific user acquisition targets within a set timeframe.

How to Choose the Right Strategy?

Selecting the appropriate user acquisition strategy depends on various factors, including the stage of your game, budget constraints, and specific goals. Understanding these elements can help developers create a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of both paid and organic methods.

Consider the Game's Development Stage

For games in the early stages of development or launch, paid acquisition can be particularly beneficial. Rapid growth is often crucial at this stage to build an initial user base and gain visibility. Paid strategies such as social media ads, search engine marketing, and in-app advertisements can drive significant traffic quickly.

As a game matures and has established a user base, leveraging organic strategies becomes more viable. At this stage, developers can focus on sustained growth and deeper user engagement. Techniques such as app store optimization (ASO), content marketing, and community management are effective for maintaining and growing an engaged user community without the constant need for high ad spend. This approach not only helps in retaining users but also in enhancing the game's credibility and appeal​.

Budget Constraints

For developers with a substantial budget, extensive paid campaigns can facilitate faster growth and wider reach. High-budget strategies allow for experimenting with different ad platforms, extensive A/B testing, and the creation of high-quality ad creatives. This can lead to more precise targeting and better optimization of user acquisition efforts.

Developers with limited financial resources may need to focus more on organic methods and creative marketing tactics. Organic strategies such as ASO, social media engagement, and influencer partnerships are cost-effective and can yield high-quality users over time. Additionally, leveraging community-driven approaches and user-generated content can amplify the reach without significant expenditure. Organic growth, while slower, can be strategically nurtured to achieve sustainable results​.

Specific Goals

If the objective is to quickly reach a wide audience, paid acquisition is the preferred strategy. Paid ads can generate immediate visibility and user installs, making them ideal for short-term campaigns or product launches. The ability to target specific demographics and optimize in real-time ensures that the marketing efforts are both effective and efficient. Short-term boosts are particularly beneficial during initial launches or major updates to the game.

For long-term objectives, organic strategies are more suitable. These methods focus on building a loyal user base and maintaining steady growth. Techniques like content marketing, user engagement through social media, and fostering community support contribute to a sustainable growth model. Over time, these efforts not only reduce dependency on paid ads but also enhance the game's brand value and player loyalty. 

By carefully considering the game's stage, budget constraints, and specific goals, developers can choose the most effective user acquisition strategy. Balancing both paid and organic approaches ensures that the game can achieve immediate visibility while building a solid foundation for sustained growth and user engagement.

Key Strategies for Scaling Paid and Organic Mobile User Acquisition in 2024

Scaling mobile user acquisition effectively involves a strategic approach, especially when large ad budgets aren't available. Here are some concise strategies to consider:

Targeting the Right Audience

Identifying and targeting the appropriate audience is essential but challenging. Understanding user behavior, demographics, and preferences allows developers to tailor marketing campaigns to reach potential users effectively. This targeting improves scalability by enhancing click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates (CVR), leading to higher returns on ad spend (ROAS).

Balancing Paid and Organic Acquisition

A balanced approach between paid and organic user acquisition is crucial. Paid campaigns can provide immediate visibility, while organic strategies ensure long-term growth. Integrating both methods can create a synergistic effect, where successful paid campaigns boost organic growth, and strong organic engagement enhances paid campaign performance.

Setting Clear KPIs

Defining precise key performance indicators (KPIs) is vital for tracking the success of user acquisition efforts. Clear and measurable KPIs help align marketing strategies with scalability goals. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these KPIs ensures they remain aligned with overall objectives, preventing misalignment and ineffective optimization.

Choosing the Right Acquisition Channels

Selecting and optimizing user acquisition channels is critical for scaling. Testing different ad partners and using established channels can help identify the most effective ones. Diversifying channels ensures a broad reach and engagement, which is crucial for meeting scalability targets.

Looking to Scale Your Mobile Game User Acquisition?

As we tried to illustrate, both paid and organic strategies offer distinct advantages and challenges, making it essential for developers to choose the right approach based on their game's stage, budget, and specific goals.

Balancing these strategies by understanding their strengths and weaknesses is key to sustainable growth. To navigate this complex process, GameBiz Consulting offers expert assistance. Whether it's testing different channels, optimizing creatives, or balancing paid and organic methods, GameBiz Consulting can help determine your mobile game's most effective user acquisition strategy. 

Contact us today to leverage our expertise and ensure your game's success in the crowded mobile gaming market.

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