How to Avoid Showing Poor Quality Ads in Your App or Game
Learn how to avoid intrusive and low-quality ads in your game or app to boost retention and revenue.
Jovan Ristic

One statement resonating hard in 2024 in the mobile game and app development circles is that the frustration among mobile game players with poor-quality ads is at an all-time high. From intrusive ads to inconsistent ad lengths, players are growing increasingly annoyed. According to a study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, 56% of mobile gamers have encountered ads that inaccurately portray gameplay.1 Moreover, data shared by AppsFlyer indicates that deceptive ads contribute to more than half of all apps being uninstalled within 30 days.2 More than that, this negative ad experience is leading to high player churn, lower engagement, and a flood of bad reviews on app stores.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be this way. As a game developer, you’ve got the power to block those annoying ads that drive players away. In this guide, we’ll dive into practical strategies to filter out bad ads, keep your users happy, and still make money—all without sacrificing the quality of the gaming experience.

What Constitutes a Poor-Quality Ad

Poor-quality ads are one of the main culprits behind player frustration. They don’t just disrupt the flow of a game; they damage the overall experience, leading to higher churn rates, negative app store reviews, and even decreased revenue over time. But what exactly makes an ad "bad"? It can boil down to several factors, each impacting your players in different ways.

Inappropriate Content

One of the most damaging types of poor-quality ads is those that display inappropriate content. For games targeting a broad or young audience, ads featuring mature, violent, or offensive material can be especially harmful. Not only do these ads alienate players, but they can also result in serious consequences for developers, such as violating platform guidelines, which could lead to game suspensions or delisting. For instance, an ad showing inappropriate material in a children’s game could lead to a flood of complaints and negative reviews, damaging your game’s reputation.

Intrusive Ads

Nothing kills a good gaming session faster than an intrusive interstitial ad. Whether it’s an unskippable video ad that runs too long, or a pop-up that disrupts gameplay at the most inconvenient time, these types of ads are a top complaint among players. According to recent reports, players are more frustrated than ever, especially with ad lengths reaching as long as 120 seconds​. The impact is obvious—disrupting the user’s experience not only frustrates them but often leads to players quitting the game altogether. This, in turn, harms player retention and can send engagement rates plummeting.

Inconsistent Ad Length

Another issue that adds to the frustration is inconsistent ad length. Imagine playing a game where one ad lasts 15 seconds and the next lasts over a minute. This unpredictability makes ads feel more intrusive and disrupts the flow of the game. Consistent, shorter ads tend to be more tolerable, while unpredictable, longer ads cause irritation and player churn

Irrelevant Ads

Relevance is key when it comes to in-game ads. If players are being shown ads that don’t match their interests or fit within the game’s theme, they’re more likely to tune out or even leave the game altogether. For example, a hyper-casual game with a broad audience being served highly niche or region-specific ads can create a disjointed experience. The more irrelevant the ad is to your target audience, the more likely it is to be perceived as low-quality​.

Ads Misrepresenting the Games They Advertise

One of the most frustrating ad types for users are those that misrepresent the game or app they’re promoting. Ads that promise one type of gameplay but deliver something entirely different not only frustrate players but also erode trust in your game. 

The Consequences of Allowing Poor-Quality Ads in Your Game or App

When poor-quality ads are allowed to infiltrate your game, the consequences can be severe. These ads don’t just impact the player’s immediate experience—they have long-term effects that ripple through your game’s reputation, player loyalty, revenue, and app store visibility.

Impact on Developer Reputation

One of the most immediate consequences of allowing poor-quality ads is the erosion of trust in both the developer and the publisher. When players are repeatedly exposed to inappropriate, intrusive, or irrelevant ads, they begin to question the developer’s commitment to quality. 

The integrity of your game gets overshadowed by the negative experience players associate with the ads, leading to a breakdown in trust. This can alienate your core user base, especially loyal players who have been with your game for a while and expect a high-quality, immersive experience​. 

As trust erodes, developers face the risk of losing these loyal players, which can be a major blow to long-term player retention.

Revenue Loss Due to Churn

While ads are an important revenue stream for mobile games, poor-quality ads can actually end up costing you more than they generate. If users are constantly bombarded by intrusive or inappropriate ads, they’re more likely to abandon your game entirely. This leads to higher churn rates, meaning fewer active players who can engage with future ads or in-app purchases.

Even though these ads might bring in short-term revenue, the long-term impact of losing players is much more damaging. With fewer active players, your game generates less overall income, and even the most profitable ad placements won’t make up for the users driven away by a poor experience. In short, bad ads might seem like a quick win for revenue, but they can sabotage your game’s profitability in the long run.

Negative App Store Reviews

Players often vent their frustrations through app store reviews, and poor-quality ads are one of the most common complaints. A game that features inappropriate or disruptive ads will quickly see a flood of negative reviews, dragging down its overall rating and affecting your App Store Optimization efforts. Low app ratings not only deter potential new players from downloading your game but also reduce its visibility in app store rankings.

App stores, especially Google Play and the Apple App Store, rely heavily on user ratings and reviews to determine which games get featured or ranked higher in search results​. As bad reviews pile up, your game’s chances of being discovered by new users diminish, which further reduces your ability to acquire new players and generate revenue. In this way, poor-quality ads don’t just hurt your existing player base—they can also cripple your ability to grow your audience.

How to Block Inappropriate or Poor-Quality Ads

One of the most effective ways to maintain a positive user experience in your mobile game is by actively blocking inappropriate or poor-quality ads. It’s not just about improving the player experience; it's about protecting your game’s reputation and keeping your app store reviews positive. Here’s how you can take control of the ads shown in your game and block the ones that could harm your retention and revenue.

1. Work with Reputable Ad Networks

The first step in blocking poor-quality ads is choosing the right ad networks. Reputable networks like AdMob, Unity Ads, ironSource, and Meta Audience Network offer more control over the types of ads that appear in your game. They have systems in place to filter out content that could be considered inappropriate or irrelevant, allowing you to set boundaries for what types of ads you’re willing to accept.

However, it’s not just about selecting a popular network—it’s about understanding their filtering options. Some ad networks offer basic blocking by default, but this can still leave problematic categories such as dating, gambling, or political ads sneaking through. To take full control, you’ll need to be proactive and contact support if necessary to block these categories. Additionally, be wary of ad networks that don’t provide transparency or the tools to easily filter ads; this can result in undesirable content slipping into your game.

2. Use Ad Filtering Tools and Controls

Ad filtering tools are your second line of defense. Most ad networks and mediation platforms, such as Unity’s LevelPlay and MAX by AppLovin, offer ad quality tools that allow developers to identify specific categories, advertisers, or even individual ad creatives that are causing trouble with players. These platforms also enable you to see exactly what kinds of ads are being served in your game, giving you the power to track down player complaints and block offending ads on the spot.

For example, LevelPlay offers advanced filtering and reporting features typically found in paid tools, helping you monitor which ads are causing frustration and eliminate them. Although MAX’s ad quality tool is less robust, it still provides basic ad review capabilities to address issues as they arise. Using these tools regularly can significantly reduce the number of inappropriate or irrelevant ads your players encounter, helping you tailor the experience to your audience’s expectations.

3. Implement Frequency Capping and Ad Pacing

Even if the ads are appropriate, showing too many can overwhelm your players and lead to frustration. Frequency capping and ad pacing are essential techniques to prevent ad fatigue. By limiting the number of times a user sees the same ad and ensuring that ads appear at natural breaks in gameplay, you can strike a better balance between monetization and user experience.

For instance, you might set a cap so that players only see two ads per session or ensure that no system-initiated ad is non-skippable for longer than 15 seconds. This reduces the feeling that players are being bombarded with ads, which is a common complaint among mobile gamers. Additionally, ad pacing allows you to space out ads, ensuring they appear at appropriate times—such as after a completed level or during a natural pause in gameplay. This makes ads feel less intrusive, increasing player tolerance and keeping them engaged in your game.

Balancing Ad Quality and Revenue

You might worry that blocking too many ads or imposing strict filters will negatively impact your revenue. However, most experts agree that this isn't the case. In fact, blocking inappropriate or low-quality ads often improves the overall experience, leading to better retention and fewer negative reviews. While it’s difficult to A/B test the direct impact of ad blocking on revenue, data shows that a diversified mediation setup can compensate for any potential loss in revenue from blocked ads.

Ultimately, it's about striking the right balance. By carefully managing which ads appear, how often they’re shown, and ensuring they align with your audience’s interests, you can improve user experience without sacrificing monetization.

Monitoring and Managing Ad Quality 

Maintaining ad quality isn’t a one-time effort; it requires constant monitoring and adjustments. Ensuring that your ads meet user expectations and don’t harm their experience can significantly boost engagement and retention. Below are a few key strategies to help you monitor and manage ad quality effectively.

Use Analytics to Track Ad Performance

The best way to keep poor-quality ads from driving players away is to track ad performance through analytics. By analyzing which ads correlate with high churn rates, lower engagement, or negative reviews, you can pinpoint problem ads quickly. Tools that track post-ad engagement metrics will help you identify ads that are turning users off, allowing you to act before player retention takes a hit. Monitoring specific KPIs, such as ad click-through rates or post-ad session length, can help you understand how users are interacting with different ad formats and networks.

Regularly Review Feedback from Players

Your players are a crucial source of information when it comes to ad quality. Actively listening to user complaints about ads can give you direct insight into what’s working and what isn’t. When players submit complaints about certain ads—whether they’re too long, inappropriate, or intrusive—it’s important to take immediate action. Whether it’s removing specific ads or adjusting ad settings, responding to player feedback can significantly improve user experience and help reduce churn.

Test Ads Before Full Deployment

Before rolling out new ads across your entire user base, it’s critical to run tests to see how they perform. A/B testing different ad formats, ad frequency, and placements can help you determine what works best for your audience. 

How to Prevent Low-Quality Ads from Affecting Your Ad Bottom Line

Controlling ad quality is essential for delivering a positive player experience and maintaining a steady revenue stream. Poor-quality ads can drive players away, reduce engagement, and lead to bad reviews that harm your app’s visibility. By choosing reputable ad networks, utilizing ad filtering tools, implementing frequency capping, and regularly monitoring ad performance, developers can ensure that ads are both engaging and appropriate for their audience. Testing ads before full deployment and staying attuned to player feedback will help keep your game’s ad strategy optimized.

Now is the time to take charge of your ad quality. By implementing these strategies, you can reduce player churn, protect your game’s reputation, and enhance user retention without sacrificing revenue. If you need expert guidance, GameBiz Consulting is here to help. With years of experience in ad monetization, we can assist you in fine-tuning your ad strategy to ensure maximum revenue while keeping your players happy and engaged. Reach out today and let’s start optimizing your ad quality together!


  1. Mobile Ads Are a 'Disastrous' Afterthought. Interactive Advertising Bureau
  2. App uninstall report – 2024 edition. AppsFlyer
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